Delphi Twain by
Latest Version
1.5 (2014/06/25)Basic info
Delphi Twain by is the unicode-enabled successor of Delphi Twain library by Gustavo Gaud which hasn't been updated since 2004.The library allows you to easily access scanning functions from Delphi and Lazarus.
Please note that I am not the original author of the library and I do not maintain the library further or offer support for it.
I recommend using the Envision image library for TWAIN under Delphi. It is reliable and well-maintained.
Delphi Twain Features
Library design
- Full html help for the component classes. The library is able to fully access Twain capabilities.
- VCL, LCL and FireMonkey support (Windows-only).
- TDelphiTwain 1.4 is not a TComponent descendand any more - you can't install it
into the Delphi pallete and use it as a non-visual component any more.
You have to use it from code only and free it by yourself (see the DEMO).
For VCL add DelphiTwain and DelphiTwain_VCL to the uses clause.
For FireMonkey add DelphiTwain and DelphiTwain_FMX units to the uses clause. - Acquiring images is easy as a few line codes.
- Direct access to various twain features.
- Showcases making it easy to learn.
- Supported Delphi versions:
VCL: Delphi 6 and newer
FireMonkey: Delphi XE2 and newer. - Supported Lazarus versions: 1.0.0 and newer. modifications
- Version 1.4: FireMonkey support (XE2+) - thanks to Frediano Palazzi for financially supporting this modification.
TDelphiTwain is not a TComponent descendand any more - you have to use it from code only and free it by yourself.
For FireMonkey add DelphiTwain and DelphiTwain_FMX units to the uses clause. For VCL add DelphiTwain and DelphiTwain_VCL to the uses clause. - Version 1.3: New method OnTransferComplete: fired when all documents are scanned or the scan is canceled. Thanks to Andrei Galatyn.
Fixed function FloatToFix32 - thanks to Chad Berchek. - Version 1.2: bug fixies: Color problems solved (thanks to Marco & Christian). All modes are supported again.
- Version 1.1: bug fixies: TWAIN drivers did not respond - now both WIA and TWAIN can be used. Only native mode is supported!
- Version 1.0: Lazarus support
- Version 1.0: experimental 64bit compiler support (you need 64bit scanner and TWAIN drivers:
and tweak the line 778 in DelphiTwain.pas:
fHandle := Windows.LoadLibrary(PChar(TwainDirectory + TWAINLIBRARY));
to the new DLL). 64bit code has not been thoroughly tested.
If your 64bit application does not show any TWAIN sources, you are probably missing a 64bit TWAIN driver for your scanner.
DelphiTwain is a runtime library. There are no visual components that have to be installed. Just add the source code directory to your library path and start using DelphiTwain.License
I couldn't find any license information of the original DelphiTwain library, so I decided to license my modified library (starting from version 1.1) under:MPL / GPL / LGPL.
The library is initially created by © Gustavo Daud and modified by Nemeth Peter and vcldeveloper.
Original versions
- Original code:
- Unicode modifications: